A Tree Between Other Trees

Two of the most contrasting places you will find sitting across from each other in Pretoria has to be at the Sheraton Hotel.People from around the world pay heaps of money to sleep in the Sheraton. On the left hand side of the road, the Union Buildings is situated. These are two landmarks in Pretoria.... Continue Reading →

You Give, I Bless

One of my relatives has often joked that we should start a new church in Jo’burg. He would be responsible for the management, and I would be the pastor. I should allow him to dictate about half of everything I say or preach, and not ask any questions about money. If I did this, he... Continue Reading →

Being » Confessing » Doing

Today is Nelson Mandela’s 94th birthday. Radio, TV, Facebook, Twitter, newspapers and whatever platform you can think of have been buzzing with Madiba-madness! No one can argue the fact that this man has made a massive impact in the recent history of South Africa. He has left a great legacy. I listened to a few... Continue Reading →

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