Choosing the Path of Reconciliation

How does this sound: a world where all people are predictable, a world where you can depend on everyone, a world where all people are cordial and likeable? We’re often caught between a rock and a hard place when it comes to the way we relate to dislikeable, difficult people: if we’re too friendly, it... Continue Reading →

Navigating our Violent World

We were sitting around a campfire in Mozambique, when two of the men, both pastors in communities near my hometown, started speaking about experiences that shaped them. The one man told us about his life as a young, reckless man. Together with one of his friends, they would break into houses in the community where... Continue Reading →

Nelson, my Grandpa, and Legacy

When Nelson Mandela’s health took a turn for the worst this year, I decided to read Long Walk to Freedom; memoirs of his life as a freedom fighter, and ultimately, arguably as South Africa’s prime political leader.For every South African citizen, and anyone interested in the history of South African politics and the struggle, I... Continue Reading →

The Legacy of Reconciliation

The world is holding its breath. It’s probable that Nelson Mandela may pass away any moment. For most South Africans, and many people all over the world, Nelson Mandela is an icon. He played a vital role in fighting for the freedom of all South Africans, and then  uniting a country that was in a... Continue Reading →

Crime and Connection

Connection…thanks to technology, we are constantly connected to the world. Unfortunately, thanks to the the superficial connectedness, we have never been as disconnected. I went to visit someone in hospital the other day. I was a bit early, so I had to wait in the lounge. Next to me sat a family with a father... Continue Reading →

Reconciling ˃ Marching

If there is one thing South Africans are supremely gifted with, it has to be the gift of marching. If a group of people are unhappy about something, the best way to express their unhappiness is to organize a march.Considering our quite recent history, some people have paid dearly for taking part in a march.... Continue Reading →

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