Loving the Unlovables

The political turmoil in the Egypt leaves a person speechless. In less than two weeks, almost a thousand people have died. It is weirdly ironic that the new government, that forced themselves into power, are using military force to ‘stabilize’ the situation. Force has never been a good long term solution for peace and stability.To... Continue Reading →

Let’s Talk About the Past

Let’s talk about the past for a minute.All of us have a past. Some people choose to remind themselves of the things in the past they wish had never happened. Others try only to remind themselves of the things they enjoy remembering. Both can be destructive.Sometimes, the past has a way of having an influence... Continue Reading →

A Valentine’s Day Blog

It’s Valentine’s Day. Some love the day, others despise ‘this commercial waste of money’.Most of us can recall a day when we were still in school, where someone chose to think about us; where we received a corny letter, a melted chocolate or a mug that we cherished for a few weeks!Most of us know... Continue Reading →

About Oom Riaan and Advent

Riaan Cruywagen is a household name in South Africa. The Afrikaans newsreader, sporting the same wig for the past almost forty years, is doing his last bulletin tonight. For many families, oom Riaan has become part of the furniture for half an hour every evening. After forty years, oom Riaan’s complexion hasn’t changed one bit;... Continue Reading →

Crime and Connection

Connection…thanks to technology, we are constantly connected to the world. Unfortunately, thanks to the the superficial connectedness, we have never been as disconnected. I went to visit someone in hospital the other day. I was a bit early, so I had to wait in the lounge. Next to me sat a family with a father... Continue Reading →

So What If I Cry At Weddings?

I am currently at a stage in my life where I am constantly exposed to different elements regarding marriage. I recently got married, many of my friends are either engaged, married or planning to marry, and my accountant friends wish they could meet someone that would be willing to get married! To top it all,... Continue Reading →

Has Hope Left the Building?

Most people experience times in their lives when they think their situation couldn’t possibly get any worse. There are certain situations where we are tempted to say: “There just isn’t any hope left”.Have you ever thought about the most pressing questions that you would ask Jesus when you have the privilege to see Him face... Continue Reading →

My BlackBerry and Me

Have you ever felt like there is a little girl or boy trapped inside your grownup body? I have that experience every once in a while. Instead of feeling like a twenty four year old, sometimes it feels like there’s a fourteen year old controlling my thoughts, emotions and even my actions and words. I... Continue Reading →

Do You See the Invisible People?

If I had to ask you what Hakuna Matata meant; you would probably reply: “Dude, really? It means no worries, for the rest of your days! It’s a problem-free philosophy…Hakuna Matata!” Easy! Thanks to Walt Disney most of us know what Hakuna Matata means…duh!When myself and my pretty awesome newlywed wife recently visited Zanzibar (next... Continue Reading →

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