My BlackBerry and Me

Have you ever felt like there is a little girl or boy trapped inside your grownup body? I have that experience every once in a while. Instead of feeling like a twenty four year old, sometimes it feels like there’s a fourteen year old controlling my thoughts, emotions and even my actions and words. I... Continue Reading →

Reconciling ˃ Marching

If there is one thing South Africans are supremely gifted with, it has to be the gift of marching. If a group of people are unhappy about something, the best way to express their unhappiness is to organize a march.Considering our quite recent history, some people have paid dearly for taking part in a march.... Continue Reading →

Accountability Schmaccountability?

The past couple of days I've come across a few thoughts regarding accountability. Some very positive, others rather negative. Mike Breen wrote a response on Mike Foster's article "Why I don't believe in Christian accountability", which is worthwhile to have a look at: I have had many accountability relationships in the past, of which none... Continue Reading →

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